Every Jab Gets Us Closer to the…??? 接種は○○への近道?

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT intend this and other bilingual posts to be translations in either direction.
Especially this one, because the stupid virus has cast a deep contextual wedge between nations – the majority of my nation’s population is undergoing a de facto prohibition on enjoying adult beverages outside our homes.

Sick and tired of the deluge of news about the Coronavirus?
A dear Christian brother from my days in Penang shared this image with me the other day.
I am usually not a fan of Photoshopping, but I could only take my hat off to his spontaneous creativity.
Let’s take our shots, continue to mask up, and keep our physical distance so we can all toast each other again!
“Every jab gets us closer to the pub”(接種一回ごとに、パブに行ける日が近付くゾ)
武漢肺炎がもたらした「自宅外飲酒禁止令」に辟易しているニッポンの愛飲家同志 、再び大っぴらに乾杯できるようワクチン接種を受けましょう

2 thoughts on “Every Jab Gets Us Closer to the…??? 接種は○○への近道?

  • September 22, 2021 at 12:14

    Cool art though… Good one and it’s true that if we create a safe community then we can social in pubs safely.

    • September 22, 2021 at 16:43

      In addition to SOP adherence, I think a healthy sense of humor goes a long way toward maintaining our immunity in these times.


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