Saturday Morning Harbor Run 土曜の朝はみなと朝ラン

A Little Background 最初に少し背景を

As you may have noticed in my Facebook posts, my workouts have involved much more running (vs walking) recently.
For decades I have enjoyed walks and hikes at somewhat high speeds (averaging approximately 6 kilometers per hour) and over long distances, but shied away from running unless I really had to. I often found myself short of breath after even a short run, which I attributed to the severe pollution in the heart of Kobe when I was born there in the early 1970s.

この何十年間、高めの速度(平均時速約6キロ)で長距離ウォーキングを楽しんできましたが、走ることは躊躇してきました 私が生まれた1970年代初頭の神戸の大気汚染の影響でしょうか、走るとすぐに息が切れる傾向がありました

But then I realized that high-speed walking would only get me so far in terms of staying fit. Certain parts of my body were undergoing concentrated torture, but the rest endured very little pain.
At least as important, there are physical limits to how far I can reach and discover when I only walk.
So back when I was in Penang, I started to mix up my workouts – walking the first few minutes, then a slow jog for the next 5-10 minutes. As my body became acclimatized, I would increase the portion I spent running.

しかし、ウォーキングだけでは限界があることにあるとき気付きました 運動の負荷が一部分の筋肉に偏っているのを感じました
そこで、シマにいたときからワークアウト中の走る率を少しずつ増やしていきました 最初はゆっくり歩いて体を慣らし、温まってきたら5分~10分ほどのスロージョグ…という風に

These days, I have been able to run for more than 30 minutes practically nonstop at a pace of under 7 minutes per kilometer, thanks to God’s protection and more frequent workouts (I do try to work out at least 3 or 4 times a week) after relocating back to Japan.
This gave me the confidence to try something a little different this past Saturday: a run to Honmoku, a quiet neighborhood in Yokohama’s Naka ward, where trains and subways do not go.

最近では1km7分未満のペースで30分以上連続して走れるようになりました 神様のお守りと、本帰国後にワークアウトの頻度を増やしたことの賜物でしょうか(この半年間は週に3~4回)
そこで、トレーニングの成果を試すべく普段と違うコースを走ってみました 横浜市中区の無鉄道地帯「本牧」へのラン旅です

Off I Go…さぁ、走り出そう

I take the 5:27 train from my home station, change trains twice, and reach Yokohama station around 6:20. After stretching it’s time to get underway and appreciate the beauty of 21st-century architecture in the Minato Mirai (“Future Harbor”) district.
自宅最寄り駅5:27発の二番電車に乗り、三本乗り継いで6:20頃横浜駅着 ストレッチの後、みなとみらいの超近代的な景色を愛でつつ走り出します

Heading down to Yamashita Park while basking in the morning sun. No offense meant to the tourists who contribute to the city’s economy, but this is probably the best time of the day to be here.
朝日の中を山下公園へ 市の経済を支えてくれる観光客の皆さんにこう言っては何ですが、ここを散策するのは早朝がベストのような気がします

My dad sailed on Nippon Yusen Kaisha’s MS Hikawa Maru to Seattle in the summer of 1959, on his way to California as an exchange student.

Into the Hills and Valleys 丘を越え谷を行く

Taking in the vista from Harbor View Park (locals call it “Minano-no-Mieru-Oka Park”), a short staircase up from Yamashita Park. Always a refreshing sight.

Yamate (“yah-ma-teh”) – literally “hilltop” – is lined with well-established Christian schools, high-end expatriate housing, and fashionable cafes, and full of tourists during daytime. This early on a Saturday morning, it’s perfectly quiet and peaceful.
名門ミッションスクール、外国人駐在員向け高級マンション、おしゃれなカフェが並び 日中は観光客であふれる山手も 土曜日の朝は実に静かです

This is my first time heading southward as I descend from the hilltop. The red font on the signboard says “We speak Chinese” – testament to the long history of settlers from that part of Asia.
横浜雙葉学園を通過し、初めて山手から真南へ坂を下ります 「中国語可」の看板がこの街の歴史の一面を語ります

Deep into the maze of Naka ward, from Nishinoya-cho to Hongocho. No way am I running on this terrain.
西之谷町・本郷町と中区の奥地へ とても走れる勾配ではありません

After a session of torture, I reach a street with an interesting name: Gas Hill Street. Apparently it was named for a natural gas storage tank that once stood along this road.
やっとの思いで坂を上りきると、面白い名前の通りに出ました かつてこの道沿いにガスタンクが存在したことに由来するそうです
参照: (sorry, Japanese only)

Down again, then up again – this time, into Honmoku Sancho (Hilltop) Park.

The view is definitely worth the effort.

Breakfast stop at La Ohana, a Hawaiian-themed restaurant in the heart of Honmoku. Very satisfying – the pancake was fluffy and had just the right level of energy.
Enjoyed with Earl Grey as I wanted to run a bit more. Must try their Kona coffee next time.
本牧のど真ん中にあるハワイアンレストラン「ラ・オハナ」で朝食 パンケーキはフワフワしてほどよいボリューム とても満足しました

All this food, plus a pot of Earl Grey, for 1,056 yen (tax included). Very satisfying.

Return Run 折り返し

I’ve heard about a hill called Washin-zaka for many years, and I realized that I was almost there while studying my map over tea. Gotta check it out!
The hill itself is just a few hundred meters long, but this is not a road that I would want to drive on. Best savored on foot.
ワシン坂という地名は以前から聞いていましたが 食後の紅茶をすすりつつ地図を見ているとすぐ近くであることが判明 早速行ってみます
坂自体は200~300メートル程度ですが、クルマで走りたいとは思いません やはり徒歩で味わうのがベストでしょう

The start of Washin-zaka
Curvy and somewhat spooky…

Here in Japan it is very common for people to be blessed upon birth in a Shinto shrine, have a “Christian-style” wedding (so the bride can wear the dress), and be sent off in a Buddhist funeral.
Here is one chapel on the ridge after Washin-zaka that seems to cater to such folks. An ordained minister of the Word does conduct worship services from 4pm every Lord’s Day, but when I look up the website I can tell that this is more of a bridal chapel.

Continuing on the ridge. 尾根をたどります

It’s not so common to see pedestrian lights positioned so high up.

Back at the Hilltop Park 港の見える丘公園に戻りました

Taking a peek through Chinatown.

Yokohama Chinese Church

What a refreshing feeling – running through the heart of old Yokohama in the sea breeze.
潮風に吹かれつつハマの真ん中を走る 快感!

Yokohama Courthouse, completed in 1929
Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall, completed 1917

Warming up at Starbucks in the ground floor of City Hall.
I stop my tracking app thinking I’ve run enough, but then I remember the Keikyu Museum up the street and ended up running a few more kilometers.

Alas, the museum is so popular that I needed to book in advance to gain access. Oh well, next time.
しかし残念ながら、人気があまりにも高く事前予約制 また次回!

The characters are saying “thank you” to the medical professionals…
Sorry – no prior booking, no entry. Stupid Virus!

Here’s my course for today. Not shown: the final 2+km back to Yokohama Station .

2 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Harbor Run 土曜の朝はみなと朝ラン

  • November 11, 2021 at 05:05

    That’s awesome – keep it up.

    • November 12, 2021 at 17:36

      The hardest part is getting up early in the morning and leaving the house. After a few kilometers I want to go further and further…and need to watch the time so I can do the things I need to do.


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