横浜で少しでも時間を過ごしたことのある皆さん、いちばん好きな場所は何処ですか?みなとみらい、山下公園、氷川丸、中華街…いろいろおありでしょうEver been to Yokohama? If so, where is your favorite spot? Minato Mirai? Yamashita Park? Hikawa Maru? Chinatown?
自宅から徒歩で約30分 早朝歩いたり走ったりするときの定番コースです
I like all these places, but today let me show you a special place off the beaten path. It’s half an hour away on foot from where I live, and thus one of my favorite hiking/jogging destinations.
その名は「寺家(じけ)ふるさと村」 横浜市青葉区と東京都町田市の境目に広がる地帯です
This place is called Jike (pronounced something like “jee-keh”, not “jaik”) Furusato Mura – “Jike Farm Village” in my rough translation.
Right on the border between the cities of Yokohama and Machida, local households grow veggies and rice and preserve a rural way of life in the suburbs of the world’s largest metropolis.
春は風薫り… Spring breeze is especially refreshing here…
夏は深いみどりに包まれ… Summer brings a deep greenness full of life…
秋は実り豊かに… Autumn is indeed bountiful…
冬の凛とした空気も清々しいものです… And the crispness of winter is beautiful in its own way.
ふるさと村の一角にBlue Doorというコーヒーの焙煎所があります
お好みの豆でドリップしたコーヒーを味わうこともできます オススメ!
There is a coffee roasting shop called Blue Door that also serves coffee dripped with beans of your choice. Highly recommended.
Getting There – and Things to Remember
ここは「農家さんの職場」です 私たちが農道散策を楽しめるのは、専ら農家さんのご厚意によるものです
隣に駐車場を備えたお食事処(結構いけると聞きます)がありますがスペースは限られています 営業時間外は閉まっていますので悪しからず!
Please keep in mind that this area is a workplace for local farming families. It is only because of their kindness that we can enjoy walks on the farm roads.
To show gratitude for their kindness, I strongly encourage using public transport to get there, as opposed to driving a car.
Take the Tokyu Den-en-Toshi Line 東急田園都市線 to Aobadai 青葉台. There, hop on Tokyu Bus #30 and get off at Shiki-no-ie 四季の家, or #31 and ride all the way to the last stop, Kamoshida-danchi 鴨志田団地. This will take you to the village’s doorsteps.
Yes, there is an eatery nearby with parking space, but that space is limited and closed outside of their business hours.
More details about the farm village, from the City of Yokohama website (Sorry, available in Japanese language only):