(English follows)
- 属する教会に、御言葉を忠実にかつ勇気をもって説教してくださる牧師を与えてくださったこと
- 素晴らしき仲間たちとともに、様々な技術的トラブルを乗り越えつつ礼拝の生中継動画配信を続ける知恵を与えてくださったこと
- 5年ぶりに、クリスマスイヴの讃美礼拝でヘンデルの『ハレルヤ!』を声高らかに歌えるようにしてくださったこと
- 念願のイスタンブールに連れていってくださったばかりか、心優しき現地の仲間たちと出会わせてくださったこと
- 小生自身にとっての転換期において、すべての必要を満たしてくださっていること
- 主の目にかなった職場において、再び主と祖国と隣人に仕えること
- いかなる職場でいかなる仕事をしようと「起業家マインド」を身につけること
- 自分を必要とする人々のためにも、適切なセルフケアを習得すること
It was a year of unexpected events, some of which I did not quite look forward to.
But I consider myself truly blessed when I look back at how the Lord has:
- Provided my church with a new pastor – a faithful servant who preaches the Word without fear
- Continued to enable the livestreaming of our worship services with faithful teammates, while granting us the wisdom and patience to overcome one technical issue after another
- For the first time in 5 years, enabled us to gather together on the night of Christmas Eve and praise Him by heartily singing Handel’s “Hallelujah!”
- Not only taken me to Istanbul, a city I dreamed of visiting – but allowed me to meet and work with wonderful local colleagues there
- Provided for all my needs in a time of transition
I am looking forward to a 2025 where I can:
- Re-dedicate myself to serve the Lord, my country, and my neighbors in a place most suitable in His wisdom,
- Learn to think and act like an entrepreneur, wherever or however I may end up working, and
- Learn to take better care of myself so I can take better care of those who need me.
Thank the Lord for all the blessings, and thank you all for your friendship.
Farewell 2024!